The management of Delta Technical Group congratulated its staff, direct partners, the fire department, the forest service and other authorities for their promptitude  in a large forest fire last month.  This forest fire started in the wider area where Delta Techniki was carrying out one of its projects. Delta Techniki, the construction contractor of this project, had the duty to maintain suitable equipment, water tanks as well as other fire-fighting means at the project site.

Tangible proof of the important role played by the wind farm infrastructure is that it helped to seriously limit and extinguish this dangerous forest fire. Specifically, as recognized by the Greek Wind Energy Association (ELETAEN):

  • The roads of the wind farm allowed the easy movement and access of fire engines to critical points, specifically to places that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  • The wind turbine installation squares were used by the firefighters as observation points for the progress of the fire and thus contributed to an even better coordination of forces.
  • The wind farm disposed of water tanks, water pumps and other proactively positioned firefighting resources in excellent operational readiness. These facilities were immediately made available to the fire brigades and were fully utilized.
  • All the above infrastructures (roads, construction sites, firefighting resources) were studied and installed with the approval and supervision of the competent forestry services, in accordance with the legislation and are maintained by the wind farm itself at the expense of the owning company.